Managed Futures Get Pandemic Market Boost
Will summer inflows into Managed Futures persist through YE 2020?
Risk Premia Gets Crushed
Is Risk Premia’s 2020 underperformance year-to-date new? Or more of the same?
Pivotal Point of View – August 2020
Hedge funds were up broadly in August, led by equity-focused managers and multi-strategy funds. Managed futures lagged on both a monthly and YTD basis.
Hedge Funds Missed Out as Small Vaccine Companies Surged
Generally, hedge funds have had limited exposure to SMID COVID-19 vaccine developer stocks. Is this a missed opportunity, or a measured show of restraint?
Pivotal Point of View – July 2020
Hedge funds were up broadly in July, with the exception of Healthcare (down 1.3%). YTD, hedge fund performance has been slightly positive, with the PivotalPath Hedge Fund Composite returning 0.6% through month end.
One of the Best Market Neutral Funds Is Run by a Robot
How have market neutral funds employing AI and machine learning held up in the first half of 2020?
Marshall Wace, Welton, Brahman Fire Up New ESG Hedge Funds
ESG remains a “hot” topic in the hedge fund space thus far in 2020, with big-name firms launching numerous vehicles this year alone.
The COVID-19 Crisis Could Launch a Wave of New Asset Managers
2020 was set to be a big year for hedge fund launches. Has COVID-19 changed that entirely?
These ‘Goldilocks’ tech stocks are defensive plays during coronavirus, but could thrive after too
Has tech become both a growth and a defensive play?
Pivotal Point of View – June 2020
Hedge funds were up broadly in June, with the exception of Risk Premia (-2.1%) and Managed Futures (-1.2%). YTD, hedge funds have outpaced the S&P 500 (-4.0%) as the PivotalPath Hedge Fund Composite Index returned -1.3% through month end.