Pivotal Point of View – October 2019
Despite intra-month volatility, most core strategies were flat to modestly positive in October - with the exception of Managed Futures, which was down 2.5%.
SaaS Falls from the Clouds
Several high-profile TMT managers were down big in September. However, investors should be confident that this was nothing out of the norm.
Pivotal Point of View – September 2019
For the first time this year, and despite a challenging September, all hedge fund strategies have crossed into positive territory year-to-date.
For hedge funds, software-as-a-service stocks are the new FAANG
It wasn’t that long ago that FAANG stocks were leading the market forward, and then pulling it right back into reverse. Investors worried that their performance was distorting expectations for typical S&P 500 companies.
SaaS is the New FAANG
What’s separating top TMT managers from the bottom ones this year? The title of this insight should provide a clue.
Trend-following Bond Traders get Fingers Burned as Treasury Yields Surge
Our CEO Jon Caplis sat down with MarketWatch to share his thoughts on the challenges faced by systematic strategies in an environment of rising treasury yields.
Pivotal Point of View – August 2019
For the first time since January, Equity Sector is no longer the top performing strategy of 2019. Managed Futures now sits atop the pack.
Your Hedge Fund Portfolio Isn’t As Diversified As You Think It Is
Correlations among hedge fund strategies are at levels not seen since the financial crisis, making diversification hard to come by for investors.
Why Investors are Prioritizing Healthcare in a Big Way
CEO Jon Caplis weighs in on why long/short healthcare funds have room to run.
This Single Variable Explains What Drives Managed Futures Performance
PivotalPath’s research and analysis clarifies the performance driver of Managed Futures. Our CEO Jon Caplis shares his insights and explains how and why the complex strategy is often misunderstood.