Bobby Jain’s Complex Hedge Fund Debut Spawns Fans, Doubters

We’re always happy to provide context on the biggest developments happening within the hedgefund industry.

While we never comment on the performance and specifics of individual funds, we have noted recently that this year is shaping up to be one of the strongest for new fund launches in a long time. The latest story from Hema Parmar at Bloomberg illustrates these trends quite nicely.

In the context of Bobby Jain’s lofty (and so far successful) pitch, Jon Caplis shares perspectives on all the moving parts and how novel it is to launch a fund with this level of portfolio managers across multiple asset classes and strategies. “Clearly, a lot of thought and capital has been put into this launch. Still, the first few months will be closely watched.”

We’re closely monitoring all new launches this year and will include updates in our monthly Pivotal Point Of View!

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